For those of you who don't follow us on Facebook, you may have missed our HUGE announcement last night. We are gearing up to do an AWESOME give away. Now you're probably thinking "Oh great, another blogger who is going to give away some books!" Well, think what you want, but this is going to be HUGE. We are partnering up with a great organization for the chance to win a giveaway worth $1,000. Yes, you read that correctly, something worth $1,000. However, the deal with them is we can only begin the contest ONCE we have reached 200 followers.
So, if you are a phantom reader and you want a chance to win, follow our little blog. Once we hit 150 followers we will tell you all just what the prize is and how to officially enter. But until then, stay tuned for some little hints and clues.
Hint One: All of these people have something in common.
the anticipation is building haha!'s gonna be GOOD! Tell your friends to follow us ;-)