Sunday, July 3, 2011

"You Look Like a Farmer in Those Clothes"

No, I didn't spend my day yesterday watching Clueless for the 1,000,000 time (for those of you who don't get it, the title was in reference to one of the greatest movies ever made), I spent the morning with Nick at the local Farmer's Market.

 Every Saturday morning from 8AM-3PM the train station parking lot near our house is blocked off and about 15 different vendors set up shop. The vendors range from fresh organic baked goods and iced coffee to meats and cheeses.

Fresh baked bread from The Bread Company, Montclair. Check them out if you are in the area!

We woke up early, had our coffee, got the pup and walked down to check it out. It was AMAZING! We decided to make kebobs for dinner so I loaded up on organic tomatoes, gold squash, eggplant, onions, mushrooms, watermelon, a free range chicken, a 7-grain loaf of bread, and a vegan/gluten free chocolate cupcake. I also picked up a beautiful bunch of sunflowers. The best part of it all? Everything together only cost us $35! At Whole Foods or A&P Fresh that would cost us AT LEAST $65!

Look at these sunflowers, GORGEOUS and cheap- only $7 for the bunch!

While Nick and I don't eat strictly organic, we do try to eat organic when we can. We especially try to eat organic when it comes to the "Dirty Dozen and Clean 15" (more on this in a later post). While we love the farmers market for the fresh produce and organic pickings, we love it even more because we are supporting local farms and businesses. We will
definitely be going back next weekend!

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